Health & Survival Ins & Outs of Van Life

Clothes ๐Ÿงบ


Clothes Storage
Washing Clothes
Staying Pressed

Clothes Storage

One of the biggest space-saving struggles vanlifers come across is clothing. It can be hard to decide what you need to keep & what you can get rid of for spare room. I’ve definitely gotten rid of dressier clothing, thinking “I won’t need that when I’m vanlifing” and then ended up having to rebuy a lot of nice clothes for a job. The trick is to only keep a few items in each category and make them all match. Greyscale is a great choice.ย 

If you’re struggling with ways to store all your favorite items, here are a few space-saving ideas.

  • Plastic bins
  • Suitcase
  • Hanging bar
  • Build a closet
  • Under the bed storage
  • Storage bench


Washing Clothes

Bucket & a plunger method. Fill a bucket with the appropriate amount of soap and water (appropriate temp). You could put a lid with a hole the size of the plunger handle, but not necessary. Plunge the clothes clean. It’s that simple. If you know how to do basic laundry you should be able to gauge the length and delicacy of your plunging.
There are multiple self-made washing machines such as the Scrubbaโ„ข Wash Bag.

Hang dry on a clothesline.


In one year, I spent an average of $30 a month on laundry & I would venture to say I wash my clothes far more often than most people. I also have a very minimal wardrobe & was working a dirty job with only 3 uniforms so I had to wash clothes every 3 workdays. I also love spending time at the laundromat and used the time to charge my electronics, grocery shop, clean my van (inside & out), reading, or catching up on work.
I generally spent less than 2 hours at the laundromat & always went at a time when I knew they wouldn’t be very busy.


Check reviews! Never go to a laundromat under 3 stars, it will destroy your clothes. Listen when they say the dryers take forever so you can save money. Go into the nicer part of town. Check if someone has mentioned the prices of the machines in their reviews.
Look for a laundromat with wifi and free bathrooms. Some bathrooms you’ll need a key or have to pay a quarter for. (this could be a good time to clean yourself up in a private stall bathroom) Go early. It will generally be less busy.
Get to know the attendants. They are usually pretty cool and they know the area so they can fill you in or let you know about discounts.
Check the washers and dryers before using them.
If it’s hot outside, use the temperature to your advantage. Save a couple of dollars and some time. Hang dry your clothes the rest of the way. It will usually take only a few hours to completely dry everything on a hot day. Keep the windows open.


Staying Pressed

How to keep your clothes looking ironed if you don’t have an iron available?
I recommend a wrinkle release spray. You can find them in stores or create your own.
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