Ins & Outs of Van Life

Foolish Mistakes Vanlifers Make



Whether you left your gadgets plugged in too long, didn’t calculate your solar needs properly, or you’re just coming up short in the electricity department, it can be annoying when your power is out. It’s pretty inevitable that at some point you’ll need to find a good backup source of electricity.ย 

Quick Fix:

Have a Battery Jump Starter ready to go in case of emergency. There are many options here, but it’s important to choose one that works for your particular vehicle. It’s also nice to have a multi-function version in case of a flat tire.

Read more about where to find electricity.


Being stealthy is important for a few key reasons. Drawing attention to yourself can lead to more police interaction & potential theft. Robbery is a very real possibility that vanlifers face. Take precautions to make sure that you’re keeping your possessions as protected as possible.ย 

Quick Fix:

Keep the inside of your van clean & keep the windows covered. The less you look like you have valuables inside, the less of a target you are.

You can put up curtains or window covers; they are fairly simple to make, but you can also purchase them.

Read moreย aboutย staying stealth.




The campervan lifestyle is incredible, but it can lead to some risky situations if you don’t know how to protect yourself. Most importantly, trust your gut (or instincts). If something feels off, believe yourself and take action. Don’t park somewhere that feels unsafe.ย 

Park with the front end of your vehicle facing out so you can get out quick and have an escape plan.

Quick Fix:

When all else fails, have protection. A popular go-to is mace or pepper spray.ย Using mace in a contained area isn’t the greatest idea, as it will likely fill the entire space & you’ll be suffering alongside your. unwelcomed guest.

Everyone has their preferred means of protection, just make sure that your preference is legal in your location.

Read How To Stay Safe As A Vanlifer


When you’re on the road alone for a while, loneliness can begin to creep in. It can also be scary to open yourself to new people & things out of fear. Replace fear with action & preventative measures.

Not everyone is a spooky monster looking to harm you. Just remember that there are more good people than bad. Otherwise, there would be A LOT more crime in this world.ย 

Karma. Put good into the world & it will come back around to you. You get what you put into it. Speak into existence & every other cliche on the topic. Some cliches exist for a reason.

Quick Fix:

Connect with people! Social Media is a great way to connect with this incredible group of people!ย Find out more about the van life community.

You can also work on being more outgoing and find ways to say hi to strangers. Ask someone sitting alone at a movie theater if they want a movie buddy, talk to someone in line for food, connect through common hobbies or interests. (Give everyone their appropriate bubble of space. It’s hard these days.)


Yes, getting lost is magnificient in itself. You have to get lost to find yourself, but sometimes you find yourself in sticky situations in uncharted territories.

Quick Fix:

Always have a paper map!ย I shouldn’t have to explain this one to you, but electronics & signal are not always reliable. Neither is a map, but it will come in handy.

It’s also a good idea to have a compass on you as well. There are some great small ones that hook to water bottles and bracelets now!

Find the best parking spot & apps.


Gas can quickly become one of your highest expenses, especially the closer the price starts looking to an Honor Roll GPA.ย 

If you’re on the move a lot, you’re filling up a lot. Luckily, there are ways to increase fuel efficiency & find cheap gas.

Quick Fix:

Use the Gas Buddy App next time you need to fuel up to find the best gas prices near you.
– Gas Buddyย Android
– Gas Buddyย Apple


The harshest reality of vanlife can be how truly reliant you are on the elements. Climate determines many of your moves. Besides discomfort, temperature extremes can be physically harmful and potentially deadly.

Quick Fix:

Move to areas with better weather. You’re a nomad. Consider planning your excursions based on the climate. South for the winter, North for the summer. Flow with Mother Nature’s course & listen to that inner light.ย 

Fyi, it’s a bit easier to warm up than cool down.ย 

Get a good heater. Make sure to crack your windows for safety & always read the product’s instruction manual before use.

Get a good fan. You can install a roof fan or use a battery powered fan.ย 

Get aย Carbon Monoxide Detector. Just do.


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