Health & Survival Ins & Outs of Van Life



Self Care
Places To Clean Up
Single Stall Bathrooms

Self Care

You wouldn’t keep driving your van without changing the oil and replacing parts when you need them, so make sure you treat your body the same!
Always allow ample time for self-care daily. Not taking care of yourself is the fastest way to get burnt out on van life. If you take the time to make yourself feel and look your best, your life will be much more enjoyable! Always keep fresh fruits and vegetables around when possible and ALWAYS have a gallon or more full of water so you never get dehydrated.

Places to Clean Yourself Up

Rivers use biodegradable soap, like Dr. Bronners
Community centers.
Gym Get a gym membership.
There are many options to choose from. I highly recommend choosing a gym that is open 24 hours for any emergency situations, but you may not feel the need.
Most people opt for Planet Fitness because many are open 24 hours & allow you to use any of their locations with the black membership. If you are fairly stationary you may choose a local option as many are better quality and offer more applicable benefits.
YMCA may have sauna or hot tub
Swimming pools
College Campus

Rec center.
Solar shower (Wal-Mart sells)
You can also always use a bucket and washcloth in a pinch. Many vanlifers use a basin. I have personally used baby wipes or wet washcloths on nights after a rough day when the gyms are not open or nearby.
You can also take a “hobo bath” which entails using a sink at a public place to wash up. I have personally done this many times. It is best to do this in a place with single-stall bathrooms that way you do not scare anyone off or become too noticeable.

Single Stall Bathrooms

Gas Stations
Some Grocery Stores

More Places To Find A Shower




Use biodegradable SOAP. Some vanlifers opt to avoid liquids as much as possible. There are many bar options for soaps and shampoos.
A van lifer favorite is Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castille Soap. It can be used for just about anything. I use it as body wash & dish soap, but you can mix it to make shampoo, laundry soap and so much more!

Read about storing & caring for clothes in van life.

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