Ins & Outs of Van Life

Is Van Life Right For You?

Until I have time to fully dissect this question and compile my answers more meaningfully, I will direct you to this link. I recommend you weigh these pros & cons for yourself and do some self-reflection.

Why I personally chose van life

You can find my story here.

Why I moved

I was so tired of sitting stagnant. When I stopped caring if I died that was the biggest wakeup call. I realized that I was more dead here anyway and anything that happened on the road would make me feel more alive than I felt here.Β 

That’s when I knew. Potential outcomes on both ends of the spectrum. A life full of adventure or robbery and death. Honestly, I’m fine with either of those.

“I feel like I’ve given up on being happy. That’s so dumb. I have a whole life. But I dont even try to do things that make me happy anymore. Yoga makes my day better but fuck that. This is depression or something for sure. To care this little about your life. I won’t even eat. I will barely cook for myself enough to survive”

quote from my journal

Common Concerns

Safety leaving them in a vehicle / enclosed spaces (moral?)
You’d have to be able to take them with you most of the time
<Links to what others have said on the subject>

Running water, bathrooms, electricity. You can set all this up in a van (or mimic it) but it’s not the same as a physical house. Some RVs really have a great setup though. I once saw a double-decker bus with a tub on the top level and a 360 window view from the tub. Talk about paradise.
These are adjustments and you can have them it’s just different and you cant be prissy

Van life is not always cheaper, but it can be if you do it right.

The Stigma
Van life comes with a certain stigma. If you know what you’re going to have to deal with ahead of time, it will help you prepare to handle it without getting burnt out and looking down on yourself.
Vans can carry a negative connotation. People see them and immediately think their kids are going to get kidnapped. Also, if your van looks trashy, you’re going to get judged hard, and getting judged hard can lead to the cops harassing you even if you’re minding your business. Keep your space clean.
“The Fraternity Effect”
Essentially this means that rich people had to pay a ridiculous amount of money to get great views and weather and live in a nice part of town and they don’t think you should get to enjoy it for free. It makes them feel belittled (which they confuse as entitlement) and they get angry that other people are enjoying their space.

Personal Struggles

Food waste, that’s on me (buy only what you will eat immediately)

Things To Know Before Wasting Your Time

Things to know before wasting your time learning all about van life to inevitably live a comfy couch life for the rest of your days some people are thrown into this life, some choose it. everyone approaches it differently & has different opinions on “van lifers” vs “homeless” in general.

Learn more about your van.
You’re going to want to know how to take care of your vehicle. You’re technically a homeowner now? So act like one. Regular maintenance. Find a good mechanic you can trust

You May Not Have Considered

Explaining to family/others why you live this way can be difficult or annoying.
Most importantly, explain it to yourself. know why you want to live this lifestyle & if it’s because the Insta pics will be lit then turn your happy ass around and take an expensive vacation somewhere because that ain’t it chief.
Romantic relationships & sex

It can be more difficult to find a relationship & have sex in this lifestyle. Mostly because you are generally traveling or because you are in public places & don’t want to get arrested. There are plenty of ways to meet people on the road both in person and on apps.

You’re going to miss home. Even if there isn’t anyone you love where you’re from, you’re going to be sad you can’t visit your hometown diner and get that perfect salad or those poppin jalapeno poppers. Remind yourself that you have the opportunity to explore and try new things. Not everything can last forever.

Fun Van Life Quirks I’ve Noticed Over the Years

Insulation is a touchy subject among van builders.

People will talk to you about your van. You will meet a lot of people (in my experience, older men)

Best of all, if you run across a fellow van driver coming in the opposite direction, there’s always an acknowledgment. A smile and a wave for members of a secret society, where everyone knows the handshake.

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